Sunday, September 9, 2012

Your spiritual field is full but your natural financial field is empty.

This is going make my church folk feel a little uneasy but it's the 100% truth.

First of all there is nothing wrong with being rich or wealthy.  Let's clear this up right now.  It's not the money that is bad.  Money has been around forever.  It's what is done with the money that makes it bad or good.  If people are using their money to be flashy, flaunty  or to do wrong things, then it's bad. But if people are using their wealth to help others, then it's good.  So stop thinking that being a Millionaire is bad.  Even Paul the Apostle made tents so that he could have money to travel and spread The Gospel. And when he left to travel, he RECRUITED help so that his money would not stop.  

I live in Atlanta, GA.  It's the in an area of the country that we call the "Bible belt".  That means many people of this region were raised in church and live very spiritual lives.  They believe that God is their source and will provide them with what they need.  This is all true as I am a Believer myself.

What I don't see is many church folk making large amounts of income.  There are a few that are wealthy or financially independent or doing well at their jobs, but there are many that are not and may never be.  It's not unusual to see this, even though there are 2048 verses in the New Testament concerning wealth.

But how can this be if people are praying and believing in God for a financial miracle.  Pastors and Reverends are preaching every Sunday about a "financial breakthrough". But for many people that break through comes in very small spurts or not at all.  Why is that?

Well is here what I've learned and confirmed by my Millionaire mentor.  Your wealth and financial independence is grown where you sow.

You see...

Church folk spend many days sowing into their spiritual garden.  They pray to God for a many great spiritual things to happen. So what is reaped are spiritual blessings.   We were put on this Earth to grow and multiply the things we are given.  Most people spend their entire lives sowing into their "spiritual gardens". So what's reaped are blessing that are going to benefit them in the spiritual world.  They are storing up gifts in Heaven, their faith gets stronger, they are able to fight off temptations and demons, they become anointed, they can feel other people spirits, they can hear from God more often.  Those are all spiritual blessings or reapings.

Here is where they fall short when it comes to amassing large wealth, they never sow in the right field.  Church folks don't ever get a financial field to plant financial seeds.  In order to gain wealth and financial independence, you have to sow in a "field" that's going to multiply your efforts, EXPONENTIALLY.  Sowing in your job doesn't create multiplication because you are not in control of the income your job gives you. You can't go to your boss and say, "Hey I want my income to multiply every month!" It just doesn't work that way on your job. It's like sowing into concrete.  You may get a few weeds and some grass to sprout up and one "rose in the concrete" but wealth will never amass.  Also no time is every spent sowing financial literacy into your mental garden as well.  They same mind set you had about money is the same mind you are trying to use to grow you money.  So you have to spend time reading books about wealth.  As your mind grows in wealth, so does your physical money.

You ever wonder why those elderly people that have been going to church all their lives are poor and broke.  This is why.  They spent their entire lives sowing into their spiritual gardens but spent no time sowing into their natural financial gardens.  They worked on that job for 35 years, sowing all their time into that job praying to God that the job gives them all they want and need. But the job only gave them what it wanted to. So now that the job is over, their spiritual gardens are FULL, but their financial gardens are EMPTY with weeds. 

You lovely church folk,  you have the right amount of faith and belief.  You have the right person, God, as your source.  You just need the right field to plant the right seeds.  If you took those same "seeds" that you are sowing into your job and sowed them into a business where those seed and multiply exponentially, OVER A PERIOD OF TIME, those seed can allow you to reap a large financial harvest.  Plus that business will continue to provide you with a RESIDUAL INCOME.

This is great for those that are called by God to travel the world to share the Gospel through their ministries.  It takes MONEY to travel the world. What better way to travel the world and not worry about income then to be in a position where you money is continually multiplying and reoccurring.

If you are looking for a great opportunity, GO HERE first to see what we are teaching people about their finances and how to get free.  If you want to know more about the opportunity we have where you are start to sow in to field that can grow your income exponentially, feel free to contact me via email or leave a comment.

I would love to hear from you on this one.

I'm only here to help.

To increasing your spiritual and financial gardens,

Marlon Hurd

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