Hey everyone this is Marlon Hurd.
I know sometimes people don't tell their REAL story. They want people to just see and hear all the positive things. How everything is ALL GOOD...BULL*HIT!!! Going after your dreams is a fight!!! A fight with yourself! A fight with your thoughts! A fight with your fears! A fight with rejection...A F*CKIN FIGHT...But you know what...it will all be worth it. I'm not telling you this to scare you off...but I'm telling you this to scare you off if this is something you really don't want to. And giving those ready for the fight a glimpse at what's to come.
So...here we go.
It's all start in 2002 in Columbus, OH. I was sitting at Chipotle at Easton Town Center eating with my brother and sister visiting from Atlanta, GA. I ran into a friend of mine I haven't seen in 7 years. He told me that he had an opportunity for me. He came to my house and gave me a presentation. I wasn't really paying attention but I was somewhat interested. He then gave me a ticket to come to an event in Cleveland, OH that following Tuesday. Tuesday came and I wasn't sure I was going to go because it's a 2 hour drive and I got off work late...5:30pm...plus I had just had knee surgery...and I had a 5 speed car at the time. I decided to go...and my life was changed. I met my first "Rich Dad" mentor. It was amazing. I couldn't believe that I could paid from the efforts of thousands of people...and I didn't have to know them.
Year 1 Business 1 in network marketing was scary, challenging, exciting and life changing. I learned so much about business, marketing, prospecting, failing...failing...failing...failing...failing...failing forward. At the end of my first year, I had 97 people on my team. Whoa right!! I couldn't believe it...97 PEOPLE I had the opportunity to earn income from. Then I learned the SYSTEM!!! I had a system to follow! 6 months later I was making twice as much on my part time business. Retired at 26!!!! At the end of my 2nd year, I had 1100 on my team. Whoa! What happened you ask? I got better!!! I learned!! I grew!! I didn't quit!!! I didn't miss anything.
Soon for some reason that run ended. The company made some changes beyond our control and it was over just like that. I mean just...over...I couldn't believe it. Just over!!! I was heart broken. All that hard work. People we helped. The dreams we sold...over!!!
But I didn't quit. I kept moving. My father told me, 'You never lose, son. You either win or learn.'
Year 3 Business 2. My friends and I gave it another go in another company. And we failed again. That company was greedy with no leadership.
Years 4-8 I went to online. Now living in Atlanta, GA. I thought there are millions of people I could reach if I could just get to them. By this time I had 2 children and very frustrated wife. But God have me a dream...a vision to change my family tree and teach others how to change theirs. I tried to turn it off, but it kept me up at night and woke me up early in the morning. But there was something that started to control me...my fear of repeating the past failures. All the failing forward I was doing, I just failed to believe I could make it BIG!!!!!
During years 4-8, I tried 5 different online network marketing companies with minimal success. I worked hard too. I cried alot as well because I knew I was better than that, but I just didn't BELIEVE truly I was better. I lost over $10,000 attempting to build an online business. It was a mess. But that dream never died...I pressed on.
Year number 9&10 My old team from my first business got back together and we went at it again. This time we gained some ground. We were on top of the world, but products we were marketing were waaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of their time. We were doing more selling than sharing. It was a constant uphill battle with the product. We were having fun but we were broke.
Now I have 4 children. The last 2 were twins!!! OHHHHH SHHHHHHHH...!!!!
We left that company and joined another one. We thought this has got to be it. And it was!!! We did very well the first 6 months! But many people on the team were not. The company is great but the market was limited. The company could only operate in a few states! Not to say that the company is not a good company. It's just my vision is galactic and 15 states was way to small for what I was in store for. Plus that disbelief I had in myself still loomed..."Can I make it big?" Also during this time, I was broke. I was a broke network marketer. I lost both my cars and almost lost my family. It was a horrible time. And I was still selling the dream!!! It was very, very, very, very, challenging. There was no one I could turn to but God. I asked for help. I asked for a solution I could work. So God gave me a job!!! UGH!!! A dang job!!! What?
Year 11 I'm still a broke network marketer with a job (nothing wrong with that but being retired from work for awhile, it was challenging), a busted down 1995 BMW, the belief I'll never make it big and a God given dream that won't die. What's a man to do...pray and keep moving. I've learned sooooo much, I seen soooo much, I've experienced soooo much, I know what I want is possible. I just need a breakthrough.
One day I took my last $20 and offered it to a ministry. I wrote on the check "Family and business". I wanted to make sure my family grew stronger and my business to flourish. I just trusted God. I said it's in your hands now.
(Enter life changing mentorship and leadership)
Two days after I sent in my offering, I got a call from a friend that I haven't heard from in over 8 years. This friend of mine I met when he was 21. Today this friend of mine is the #32 income earner in the world in network marketing out of 91 million people in the industry. He called to offer me the truth. It has saved me and my families life. I told him when we spoke. I said, "I don't have any belief. I don't believe I can make it big." He said, "We have a solution for that."
Business number 10
April 15, 2013 is a day I will never forget. #1 is was my 7th wedding anniversary and it was also the day my wife and I got to experience what this industry and truly and really get you. I got to tour a $3 Million dollar home, drive around in a Porche Panamera, sit in a Lamborghini Mercielago...all bought with network marketing income. I also got to meet the #1 income earner in the world in network marketing...very, very humbling!!!! I now knew I was in the right hands.
I had the desire or I would have quit a long time ago. I had the skills because I've been in the "fox hole". It was the faith and belief I lacked. Oh good 'ole faith!!! Where's a mustard seed when you need one?
My new mentor told me that 'Everything that was taken from me in this industry, will be given back to 100 fold.'
Everything rises and falls on leadership. I finally got to work with a leader that is where I want to be...AND...can show me and those that decide to work with me how to get there.
It has truly been absolutely amazing!!!! I thank God everyday for not giving up on me and knowing that I wasn't going to give up on the dream He gave me.
But most important...I found my belief in myself. I believe now that I can make it big. I let go of all those years of failure and almost making it. Don't get me wrong, I'm still learning but I'm now equipped to dispell the myth. I'm not equipped to fight the enemy (inner me) from distroying the God given dream!!!!
This is the REAL story. More chapters to come!!!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Why you would be brain dead not to have a home based business
It doesn't make sense to my why a tax paying citizen doesn't have a home based business!!
90% of those that work for the government have a home based business as a tax shelter to protect them from the same government they work for!!
Project 1000 may be an option for you, in terms of a home based business, that you can use to not only save on your taxes but change your life.
It's not the money your looking for...IT'S THE MINDSET!!!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
How Slaves Became Employees
Webster defines a slave as, "a person who has lost control of himself
and is dominated by something or someone else." No wonder many
employees, shackled to their jobs with little freedom to control their
day-to-day work or their career, feel like slaves.Employees are
"dominated" because what they do, when they do it, and where they do it
are controlled by their employer. They are like slaves because their
employer controls their time and their space. Many employees live in a
state of perpetual anxiety about losing their jobs. Indeed, research
shows that more than half of all employees feel insecure in their jobs
and inhibited about expressing their views openly.
Technically, of course
employees are voluntary workers and are legally free to leave whenever
they please. In practice, however, this is not the case for most people.
The job market today is extremely tight and the prospect of finding a
job elsewhere is daunting. The slave analogy is also relevant because
employees do not feel management cares about their well being or gives
them the authority to make their own decisions. Research conducted by
Discovery Surveys also shows:
Less than half of employees believe that management shows a genuine interest in their well being;
Half don't trust the information they receive from management;
Only 58 percent feel that they have the decision-making authority they need; and
Only one-third feel that they are involved in decisions that affect their day-to-day work.
Many employees live in a perpetual state of anxiety because they lack what psychologists call "the perception of control." Psychological studies have shown that the perceived control over one's destiny has more of an influence over anxiety than does the actual control.
Black's Law dictionary defines employee as "A person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied, oral or written, where the employer has the power
or right to control and direct the employee in the material details of
how the work is to be performed." By that definition, we begin to see
how similar the modern day employee is to the servants and slaves of
times past.
Technically, of course
Less than half of employees believe that management shows a genuine interest in their well being;
Half don't trust the information they receive from management;
Only 58 percent feel that they have the decision-making authority they need; and
Only one-third feel that they are involved in decisions that affect their day-to-day work.
Many employees live in a perpetual state of anxiety because they lack what psychologists call "the perception of control." Psychological studies have shown that the perceived control over one's destiny has more of an influence over anxiety than does the actual control.
Black's Law dictionary defines employee as "A person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied, oral or written, where the employer has the power
Part 2 - History of the employee.
Where did the idea of employment come from?
biblical times, people were self-employed, contract laborers, or
servants obligated to a long-term service. A contract laborer is seen in
the parable of the field hands who were hired to harvest grapes
(Matthew 20:1-16). Servanthood, or slavery, was generally entered
through some obligation: a person might have incurred too much debt and
had to sell his services to meet his obligation, he might have been on
the wrong side of a battle and was captured, he might be learning a
trade as an apprentice, or he might be earning something that he could
not normally afford, such as Jacob's fourteen years of service to Laban
for the right to marry Rachel (Genesis 29:15-30). The length of service
lasted until the obligation was fulfilled. It could last a few years or
could be a lifetime of service.
Most of the Bible's comments on employment focuses on servants or slaves. Outside of self-employment, it was the most common form of labor; and it was the main form of labor that kept the employer (the master) tied to his employees (servants). A master had to supply his servants the basic necessities of food, clothing, and shelter. Servants became a part of the master's household. Now as you might suspect, when men
are involved there were a wide variety of masters; some took good care
of their servants, but many did not. Slavery was modified throughout
Europe during the medieval times into what is known as 'serfdom', which
simply gave the 'serfs' slightly more rights and protection than slaves.
Serfs differed from slaves in that slaves could be bought and sold
without reference to land, whereas serfs changed lords only when the
land they worked changed hands. However, slavery in the United States
existed as a legal institution on American soil before the founding of
the United States in 1776, and remained a legal feature of American
society until the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United
States Constitution in 1865. During the rise of the Industrial
revolution, the plantation owners became plant owners, and many slaves
were transferred from plantations into plants. The same rich people who
had been slaveowners now became company owners and CEO's, and they used
slaves to mass-produce goods in order to boost their bottom line. As
slavery was abolished, these rich men were forced to hire help, at a
cheap cost of course, in order to continue to grow their company and
yield more profits. Thus the transformation of slave into employee
Most of the Bible's comments on employment focuses on servants or slaves. Outside of self-employment, it was the most common form of labor; and it was the main form of labor that kept the employer (the master) tied to his employees (servants). A master had to supply his servants the basic necessities of food, clothing, and shelter. Servants became a part of the master's household. Now as you might suspect, when men
Part 3 - The comparison.
Is employment really similar to slavery?
compare the similarities between the modern-day employee and the slaves
from 300 years ago:
A. The farmer supplied all the slaves with accommodation.
B. The company pays all the employees a salary to pay for their accommodation.
A. The farmer supplied all the slaves with food and other household
B. The company pays all the employees a salary to pay for their food and other household necessities.
A. On all the major holidays like Christmas and Easter the slaves receive a day or two off from working
B. On all the major holidays like Christmas and Easter the employees receive a day or two off from working.
A. The farmer supplied the slaves with medical care when needed.
B. The Company supplies all the employees with medical aid for when a doctor is needed.
A. If a slave broke the rules or ran away, the farmer would punish them with lashes, verbal abuse or take away their necessities like food.
B. If the employees break the rules or stay away from work the company will punish them with written warnings, hearings or even pay deductions so that the employees can't afford to pay for their necessities like food.
A. The farmer would occasionally supply the slaves with some refreshments and a party to keep them happy and motivated.
B. The company will occasionally supply the employees with some refreshments and a party to keep them happy and motivated.
A. The slaves were controlled by the fear of not being able to survive away from the farm.
B. The employees are controlled by the fear of not being able to survive away from the company.
I'm not saying that all employment is seen as slavery. There are certain industries where employment is a necessity like hospitals, banks, etc. But modern day slavery still exists and they are in the industries where people are hired for their skills. All of us have our own unique skills and most of us are being enslaved for it. Many people will argue that slavery does not exist not only because of the existing laws, but, moreover, because they don't actually see people shackled, whipped and forced to work. Considering our modern lives, however, in light of the definition given by Webster's Dictionary, slavery does affect us all, and applies to many of the practices in which most of us engage. Many in our society are slaves to jobs, slaves to car
payments, slaves to credit cards, and slaves to rents or mortgages in
much the same way as the slaves of the past. This type of "modern"
slavery may be, to an extent, self-imposed, but still fits the
definition, and shows yet another way the face of slavery keeps altering
its appearance to remain alive. Americans need to understand this or
they will continue to enslave themselves and continue to promote the
general acceptance of that which they believe does not exist.
A. The farmer supplied all the slaves with accommodation.
B. The company pays all the employees a salary to pay for their accommodation.
A. The farmer supplied all the slaves with food and other household
B. The company pays all the employees a salary to pay for their food and other household necessities.
A. On all the major holidays like Christmas and Easter the slaves receive a day or two off from working
B. On all the major holidays like Christmas and Easter the employees receive a day or two off from working.
A. The farmer supplied the slaves with medical care when needed.
B. The Company supplies all the employees with medical aid for when a doctor is needed.
A. If a slave broke the rules or ran away, the farmer would punish them with lashes, verbal abuse or take away their necessities like food.
B. If the employees break the rules or stay away from work the company will punish them with written warnings, hearings or even pay deductions so that the employees can't afford to pay for their necessities like food.
A. The farmer would occasionally supply the slaves with some refreshments and a party to keep them happy and motivated.
B. The company will occasionally supply the employees with some refreshments and a party to keep them happy and motivated.
A. The slaves were controlled by the fear of not being able to survive away from the farm.
B. The employees are controlled by the fear of not being able to survive away from the company.
I'm not saying that all employment is seen as slavery. There are certain industries where employment is a necessity like hospitals, banks, etc. But modern day slavery still exists and they are in the industries where people are hired for their skills. All of us have our own unique skills and most of us are being enslaved for it. Many people will argue that slavery does not exist not only because of the existing laws, but, moreover, because they don't actually see people shackled, whipped and forced to work. Considering our modern lives, however, in light of the definition given by Webster's Dictionary, slavery does affect us all, and applies to many of the practices in which most of us engage. Many in our society are slaves to jobs, slaves to car
Part 4 - Our society
What we've been trained to believe.
our society, we have been trained to become employees. We are taught to
get a good education, go out and find a good job and work at that job
until your old and grey, at which time you'll be released from your
duties with a few years of life remaining and just enough money to get
by on. Most of the time, however, we only hear about the first half of
that scenario, and never seem to think about the second. As many of us
know, the system in corporate America has been set-up to keep the rich
rich, to keep the poor poor, and to keep all those in the middle right
in the middle. Otherwise, if we were all given the chance to become
financially independent, there would be no employees to serve others and
to make the rich man's company grow. That's why the majority of
employees are paid just enough to get by on, but never enough to be able
to quit or retire early. Many of us know this, but most of us do
nothing about it. We just accept it as the way things are, and continue
to work for others because we're forced to believe that is what we must
do, and we believe this is the only way to have a sense of security. Do
you truly feel secure knowing you'll have to work until the age of 65,
just to retire and live a meager existence until you die? Is this the
way you feel God intended for our lives to be? ..or do you see how this
system was set-up by the corrupt world we live in and primarliy only
benefits the rich? So what can we do about it?
Part 5 - Time for a change!
Are you ready to go from servitude to financial independence?
here's the big question. Are you ready to make what could be the most
dramatic change of your life? Most people are not willing to take a
chance to get what they really want out of life. Unfortunately, it is
those same people who will be stuck at their job for nearly all their
lives, and end up nearly broke by the time they retire. Popular surveys
show nearly 98% of people are either dead or dead broke by the age of
65, and many continue working after that because social security just
doesn't pay enough for their expenses. If you want change, you have to
make a change. If, over the next five years, you keep doing the same
thing you've been doing for the last five years, what makes you think
your situation will change for the better? If you really want financial
independence, and you know you will never get it from your J.O.B. (which
stands for just over broke), then it's time to retrain your mind from
that of an employee to that of an entrepreneur. It's time to do what you
have to do to get the financial and time freedom that you deserve.
Part 6 - The options.
You're already doing it, why not get paid?
Part 7 - The solution.
The best way to make money working for yourself.
There are many companies out there which will pay people for recommending others to their product or service. Many of these companies don't have a solid system in place, and the majority of them don't offer anything unique that the average person can't get from wal-mart, or some other nationally branded store. Most of them sell vitamins, juices, water purifiers, skin care products, jewelry, etc., therefore, there is so much competition already in the market that most people will struggle to make any money with that company. How many people do you know earning a good, stable income from selling mary kaye, avon, or nu-skin products? Those are all companies which use network marketing, but since the market is already saturated with similar products, there is not much opportunity for a decent income with them. When evaluating a business opportunity, Harvard Law school recommends five points you should focus on to see if there is truly a good opportunity with that company. 1. The Company 2. The Need/Marketplace 3. The Product 4. The Compensation 5. The Timing If you can find a rock solid company that fills a need or demand in the marketplace, which offers a unique product or service and pays you well, and you have the chance to get involved at the right time, you can position yourself to make more money than you've ever dreamed of! Honestly, there are very few legitimate companies that offer all five of these aspects, so these opportunities can be quite hard to find; and since most of these companies only use their associates to advertise for them, you really just have to find the right person, or hope they find you, while the time is right. I have been blessed to find a great company which is publicly traded on the NYSE, that truly contains all five points mentioned above, and offers, as stated by financial expert and author Robert Kiyosaki, "The best compensation plan I've ever seen"! Now I am sharing this great opportunity with you, and after reviewing this, you will never be able to honestly say you never had a chance. Since you're here, now, you are in the right place at the right time, so it's your turn to position yourself in such a way that you can achieve true financial success, and have the time freedom you've only dreamed of. So stop being enslaved to your boss, your company, and your bills, and start living the life you've always wanted. Just click on the link below to see how easy it is to begin your journey toward freedom. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. You've taken the first step by reading this article. Now the second step is to click on the link, and where you go from there will be completely up to you. Thanks for reading this post. May God bless you and yours, and I hope and pray for your success!Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Ok. Ok. I know you like what the heck is E.S.B.I.? Is is an acronym? What is that? Well E.S.B.I. call the Cash Flow Quadrants (Employee, Self-Employed, Business System, Investor. Each letter represents a quadrant in how people earn income. This idea comes from one of the greatest entrepreneurs of our time, Mr. Robert Kiyosaki.
I'm going to break this down very simple for you all.
Let's start with E which stands for Employee.
96% of people are employees. They work a job. There is nothing wrong with working a job, but there is only some much money you can make a job because there are only some many hours you can work and there is only some much money a company is going to pay you. It doesn't matter if you are an AVP or VP or whatever, there are limits on your income.
These individuals work for money.
The next letter is S, which stands for Self-Employed.
These are the small business owners such as lawn care, massage therapists, hair stylist. This group can even include doctors and lawyers. These individuals are business owners which means no one can control there income. They can make as much as they want to. They are in a position where they are selling their smarts and expertise. Buuuuuut...they still only make money when they are present. A lawyer doesn't get paid unless they are actively involved in a case. A massage therapist only gets paid when they are actively massaging someone.
These individuals make a little bit more money, but they still work for money.
The next letter is B, which stands for Business System.
Now here is where things get interesting become most people think that B stands for business owner. There is a difference between business owner and a business system. A business system is something like what Ray Kroc and Henry Ford did. You see neither man was the brightest or smartest man but the both understand that having smarter people around them worked. They also understood that if they built a business with a SYSTEM where by business never stops would create a cash cow.
Ray Kroc, the franchiser of McDonald's, saw the restaurant that the McDonald's brothers had in California EVERYWHERE. So he built the number one fast food chain by building a system where the grow of new McDonald's and repeat customers never stops. Now today there are over 35,000 McDonald's world wide. Every McDonald's you go into look exactly the same...SYSTEM.
Henry Ford created the assembly line system where cars could be built and pumped out 100's at a time and now today by the 1000's. Every other car company copied that system, but not quite like Henry Ford.
Now both men are dead and gone but the systems they created are still alive and well. And their families are living in wealth because those systems they built are still pumping out income.
People that build business systems can create income by where growth (network) and repeat business (residual income) never stop.
These people have money working for them.
The final letter is I which stands for Investor.
This is the quadrant where people think they make "easy" money. They think that can take their money, put it somewhere, let it sit and think it's going to be millions of dollars in a few years. You are all sadly mistaken. If you want to be a good investor, you will need two thing: lots of DISPOSABLE INCOME and KNOWLEDGE OF THE MARKET! Where most people mess up is that they are trying to use their job income to invest in the market. There is more money lost than gained in the investing world. There is a lot of trial and error in investing. This is why you need lots of disposable income that you can afford to lose. But most people are using the "$50" from their job money trying to invest that they really can afford to lose.
Here is what I suggest you do: build a business system that creates a system by where money never stops coming and then you can invest become the money is being replaced that is being used for risk.
If you don't know how to do that, you can GO HERE to find out about an industry that will allow you to do that, that is better than you job.
Once you understand investing, you can do well.
These individuals have money work for them.
So what we are helping people do is change quadrants. The same energy you use to work your job (build someone else's business system) you can use part of that income to help change quadrants and business a system where money works for you.
To you success,
Marlon Hurd
I'm going to break this down very simple for you all.
Let's start with E which stands for Employee.
96% of people are employees. They work a job. There is nothing wrong with working a job, but there is only some much money you can make a job because there are only some many hours you can work and there is only some much money a company is going to pay you. It doesn't matter if you are an AVP or VP or whatever, there are limits on your income.
These individuals work for money.
The next letter is S, which stands for Self-Employed.
These are the small business owners such as lawn care, massage therapists, hair stylist. This group can even include doctors and lawyers. These individuals are business owners which means no one can control there income. They can make as much as they want to. They are in a position where they are selling their smarts and expertise. Buuuuuut...they still only make money when they are present. A lawyer doesn't get paid unless they are actively involved in a case. A massage therapist only gets paid when they are actively massaging someone.
These individuals make a little bit more money, but they still work for money.
The next letter is B, which stands for Business System.
Now here is where things get interesting become most people think that B stands for business owner. There is a difference between business owner and a business system. A business system is something like what Ray Kroc and Henry Ford did. You see neither man was the brightest or smartest man but the both understand that having smarter people around them worked. They also understood that if they built a business with a SYSTEM where by business never stops would create a cash cow.
Ray Kroc, the franchiser of McDonald's, saw the restaurant that the McDonald's brothers had in California EVERYWHERE. So he built the number one fast food chain by building a system where the grow of new McDonald's and repeat customers never stops. Now today there are over 35,000 McDonald's world wide. Every McDonald's you go into look exactly the same...SYSTEM.
Henry Ford created the assembly line system where cars could be built and pumped out 100's at a time and now today by the 1000's. Every other car company copied that system, but not quite like Henry Ford.
Now both men are dead and gone but the systems they created are still alive and well. And their families are living in wealth because those systems they built are still pumping out income.
People that build business systems can create income by where growth (network) and repeat business (residual income) never stop.
These people have money working for them.
The final letter is I which stands for Investor.
This is the quadrant where people think they make "easy" money. They think that can take their money, put it somewhere, let it sit and think it's going to be millions of dollars in a few years. You are all sadly mistaken. If you want to be a good investor, you will need two thing: lots of DISPOSABLE INCOME and KNOWLEDGE OF THE MARKET! Where most people mess up is that they are trying to use their job income to invest in the market. There is more money lost than gained in the investing world. There is a lot of trial and error in investing. This is why you need lots of disposable income that you can afford to lose. But most people are using the "$50" from their job money trying to invest that they really can afford to lose.
Here is what I suggest you do: build a business system that creates a system by where money never stops coming and then you can invest become the money is being replaced that is being used for risk.
If you don't know how to do that, you can GO HERE to find out about an industry that will allow you to do that, that is better than you job.
Once you understand investing, you can do well.
These individuals have money work for them.
So what we are helping people do is change quadrants. The same energy you use to work your job (build someone else's business system) you can use part of that income to help change quadrants and business a system where money works for you.
To you success,
Marlon Hurd
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
It's about the S.Y.S.T.E.M. (Save Your Self Time Energy Money)
In my 10 years in the network marketing industry, I have joined a total for 4 companies. In each company, we were about to recruit thousands of people, whether the company was ground floor or whether the company was 20+ years old. Now of course in the the older companies we didn't make much money but we still built large organizations. Even in the companies that didn't have the best products or comp plan, we still did well.
I'm going to give you the secret. Well not the whole secret, but I will tell you how we were about to do it.
The system we use has created 2 Billionaires in the network marketing industry. So the system has been proven!!
Now I'm not going to give you our actual system, but what I will tell you is that you have to have a system that is:
1. Duplicatable
2. Simple to follow
3. Can be taught to a new person by a new person
4. Separate from what the company does.
Also make sure there is only 1 system to follow, not many and that it's something only your team does.
Our system doesn't follow the company's plan.
You see the company's only focus is to sell the products and/or services. So all the training that they give is to make reps better as selling the product and services. They do mention recruiting other only to turn those new people in the great sales people.
Whatever system you decide to go with, make sure that is surrounds recruiting as the main focus. You see in network marketing, the goal is to build the network first and then the services will come with each. Just like McDonald's. Ray Kroc was first concerned with putting a McDonald's on every corner, then once the network was built, Billions of burgers are sold.
One of the issues I see in most companies that have a few people doing well and many people not doing well is that there are about 5 or 6 different systems going on with in the company or the teams within the company. New people join and have to try to figure out what's the best system for them. What happens is the team cannot growing together. Everyone is doing there own thing. It's like the New England Patriots running New York Jets plays. There is no way the Patriots are going to grow together as a team. Everyone must be on the same page if the team is to grow.
Now once you have a few serious people on your team following the system, the system will now build your business. Your business will now become system dependent and not people dependent. Once your business is being built by the system, EXPLOSION happens and you will have a business whereby recruiting NEVER STOPS!!!!
I know this is a random post but it's an important one.
Now if you want to know our system, I will have to kill you first. LOL! Just joking. But serious!!!
But you will have to be apart of the team to learn the system. It's only fair.
To your system success,
Marlon Hurd
I'm going to give you the secret. Well not the whole secret, but I will tell you how we were about to do it.
S.Y.S.T.EM. stands for
Save Your Self Time Enery Money
The system we use has created 2 Billionaires in the network marketing industry. So the system has been proven!!
Now I'm not going to give you our actual system, but what I will tell you is that you have to have a system that is:
1. Duplicatable
2. Simple to follow
3. Can be taught to a new person by a new person
4. Separate from what the company does.
Also make sure there is only 1 system to follow, not many and that it's something only your team does.
Our system doesn't follow the company's plan.
You see the company's only focus is to sell the products and/or services. So all the training that they give is to make reps better as selling the product and services. They do mention recruiting other only to turn those new people in the great sales people.
Whatever system you decide to go with, make sure that is surrounds recruiting as the main focus. You see in network marketing, the goal is to build the network first and then the services will come with each. Just like McDonald's. Ray Kroc was first concerned with putting a McDonald's on every corner, then once the network was built, Billions of burgers are sold.
One of the issues I see in most companies that have a few people doing well and many people not doing well is that there are about 5 or 6 different systems going on with in the company or the teams within the company. New people join and have to try to figure out what's the best system for them. What happens is the team cannot growing together. Everyone is doing there own thing. It's like the New England Patriots running New York Jets plays. There is no way the Patriots are going to grow together as a team. Everyone must be on the same page if the team is to grow.
Now once you have a few serious people on your team following the system, the system will now build your business. Your business will now become system dependent and not people dependent. Once your business is being built by the system, EXPLOSION happens and you will have a business whereby recruiting NEVER STOPS!!!!
I know this is a random post but it's an important one.
Now if you want to know our system, I will have to kill you first. LOL! Just joking. But serious!!!
But you will have to be apart of the team to learn the system. It's only fair.
To your system success,
Marlon Hurd
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Why network marketing is better than being employed.
There is no way I can say this better that Mr. Eric Worre.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Your spiritual field is full but your natural financial field is empty.
This is going make my church folk feel a little uneasy but it's the 100% truth.
First of all there is nothing wrong with being rich or wealthy. Let's clear this up right now. It's not the money that is bad. Money has been around forever. It's what is done with the money that makes it bad or good. If people are using their money to be flashy, flaunty or to do wrong things, then it's bad. But if people are using their wealth to help others, then it's good. So stop thinking that being a Millionaire is bad. Even Paul the Apostle made tents so that he could have money to travel and spread The Gospel. And when he left to travel, he RECRUITED help so that his money would not stop.
I live in Atlanta, GA. It's the in an area of the country that we call the "Bible belt". That means many people of this region were raised in church and live very spiritual lives. They believe that God is their source and will provide them with what they need. This is all true as I am a Believer myself.
What I don't see is many church folk making large amounts of income. There are a few that are wealthy or financially independent or doing well at their jobs, but there are many that are not and may never be. It's not unusual to see this, even though there are 2048 verses in the New Testament concerning wealth.
But how can this be if people are praying and believing in God for a financial miracle. Pastors and Reverends are preaching every Sunday about a "financial breakthrough". But for many people that break through comes in very small spurts or not at all. Why is that?
Well is here what I've learned and confirmed by my Millionaire mentor. Your wealth and financial independence is grown where you sow.
You see...
Church folk spend many days sowing into their spiritual garden. They pray to God for a many great spiritual things to happen. So what is reaped are spiritual blessings. We were put on this Earth to grow and multiply the things we are given. Most people spend their entire lives sowing into their "spiritual gardens". So what's reaped are blessing that are going to benefit them in the spiritual world. They are storing up gifts in Heaven, their faith gets stronger, they are able to fight off temptations and demons, they become anointed, they can feel other people spirits, they can hear from God more often. Those are all spiritual blessings or reapings.
Here is where they fall short when it comes to amassing large wealth, they never sow in the right field. Church folks don't ever get a financial field to plant financial seeds. In order to gain wealth and financial independence, you have to sow in a "field" that's going to multiply your efforts, EXPONENTIALLY. Sowing in your job doesn't create multiplication because you are not in control of the income your job gives you. You can't go to your boss and say, "Hey I want my income to multiply every month!" It just doesn't work that way on your job. It's like sowing into concrete. You may get a few weeds and some grass to sprout up and one "rose in the concrete" but wealth will never amass. Also no time is every spent sowing financial literacy into your mental garden as well. They same mind set you had about money is the same mind you are trying to use to grow you money. So you have to spend time reading books about wealth. As your mind grows in wealth, so does your physical money.
You ever wonder why those elderly people that have been going to church all their lives are poor and broke. This is why. They spent their entire lives sowing into their spiritual gardens but spent no time sowing into their natural financial gardens. They worked on that job for 35 years, sowing all their time into that job praying to God that the job gives them all they want and need. But the job only gave them what it wanted to. So now that the job is over, their spiritual gardens are FULL, but their financial gardens are EMPTY with weeds.
You see...my lovely church folk, you have the right amount of faith and belief. You have the right person, God, as your source. You just need the right field to plant the right seeds. If you took those same "seeds" that you are sowing into your job and sowed them into a business where those seed and multiply exponentially, OVER A PERIOD OF TIME, those seed can allow you to reap a large financial harvest. Plus that business will continue to provide you with a RESIDUAL INCOME.
This is great for those that are called by God to travel the world to share the Gospel through their ministries. It takes MONEY to travel the world. What better way to travel the world and not worry about income then to be in a position where you money is continually multiplying and reoccurring.
If you are looking for a great opportunity, GO HERE first to see what we are teaching people about their finances and how to get free. If you want to know more about the opportunity we have where you are start to sow in to field that can grow your income exponentially, feel free to contact me via email or leave a comment.
I would love to hear from you on this one.
I'm only here to help.
To increasing your spiritual and financial gardens,
Marlon Hurd
First of all there is nothing wrong with being rich or wealthy. Let's clear this up right now. It's not the money that is bad. Money has been around forever. It's what is done with the money that makes it bad or good. If people are using their money to be flashy, flaunty or to do wrong things, then it's bad. But if people are using their wealth to help others, then it's good. So stop thinking that being a Millionaire is bad. Even Paul the Apostle made tents so that he could have money to travel and spread The Gospel. And when he left to travel, he RECRUITED help so that his money would not stop.
I live in Atlanta, GA. It's the in an area of the country that we call the "Bible belt". That means many people of this region were raised in church and live very spiritual lives. They believe that God is their source and will provide them with what they need. This is all true as I am a Believer myself.
What I don't see is many church folk making large amounts of income. There are a few that are wealthy or financially independent or doing well at their jobs, but there are many that are not and may never be. It's not unusual to see this, even though there are 2048 verses in the New Testament concerning wealth.
But how can this be if people are praying and believing in God for a financial miracle. Pastors and Reverends are preaching every Sunday about a "financial breakthrough". But for many people that break through comes in very small spurts or not at all. Why is that?
Well is here what I've learned and confirmed by my Millionaire mentor. Your wealth and financial independence is grown where you sow.
You see...
Church folk spend many days sowing into their spiritual garden. They pray to God for a many great spiritual things to happen. So what is reaped are spiritual blessings. We were put on this Earth to grow and multiply the things we are given. Most people spend their entire lives sowing into their "spiritual gardens". So what's reaped are blessing that are going to benefit them in the spiritual world. They are storing up gifts in Heaven, their faith gets stronger, they are able to fight off temptations and demons, they become anointed, they can feel other people spirits, they can hear from God more often. Those are all spiritual blessings or reapings.
Here is where they fall short when it comes to amassing large wealth, they never sow in the right field. Church folks don't ever get a financial field to plant financial seeds. In order to gain wealth and financial independence, you have to sow in a "field" that's going to multiply your efforts, EXPONENTIALLY. Sowing in your job doesn't create multiplication because you are not in control of the income your job gives you. You can't go to your boss and say, "Hey I want my income to multiply every month!" It just doesn't work that way on your job. It's like sowing into concrete. You may get a few weeds and some grass to sprout up and one "rose in the concrete" but wealth will never amass. Also no time is every spent sowing financial literacy into your mental garden as well. They same mind set you had about money is the same mind you are trying to use to grow you money. So you have to spend time reading books about wealth. As your mind grows in wealth, so does your physical money.
You ever wonder why those elderly people that have been going to church all their lives are poor and broke. This is why. They spent their entire lives sowing into their spiritual gardens but spent no time sowing into their natural financial gardens. They worked on that job for 35 years, sowing all their time into that job praying to God that the job gives them all they want and need. But the job only gave them what it wanted to. So now that the job is over, their spiritual gardens are FULL, but their financial gardens are EMPTY with weeds.
You see...my lovely church folk, you have the right amount of faith and belief. You have the right person, God, as your source. You just need the right field to plant the right seeds. If you took those same "seeds" that you are sowing into your job and sowed them into a business where those seed and multiply exponentially, OVER A PERIOD OF TIME, those seed can allow you to reap a large financial harvest. Plus that business will continue to provide you with a RESIDUAL INCOME.
This is great for those that are called by God to travel the world to share the Gospel through their ministries. It takes MONEY to travel the world. What better way to travel the world and not worry about income then to be in a position where you money is continually multiplying and reoccurring.
If you are looking for a great opportunity, GO HERE first to see what we are teaching people about their finances and how to get free. If you want to know more about the opportunity we have where you are start to sow in to field that can grow your income exponentially, feel free to contact me via email or leave a comment.
I would love to hear from you on this one.
I'm only here to help.
To increasing your spiritual and financial gardens,
Marlon Hurd
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