Thursday, January 30, 2014

My story - I have failed over 9 times in network marketing

Hey everyone this is Marlon Hurd.

I know sometimes people don't tell their REAL story.  They want people to just see and hear all the positive things. How everything is ALL GOOD...BULL*HIT!!! Going after your dreams is a fight!!! A fight with yourself! A fight with your thoughts! A fight with your fears! A fight with rejection...A F*CKIN FIGHT...But you know will all be worth it.  I'm not telling you this to scare you off...but I'm telling you this to scare you off if this is something you really don't want to.  And giving those ready for the fight a glimpse at what's to come. we go. 

It's all start in 2002 in Columbus, OH.  I was sitting at Chipotle at Easton Town Center eating with my brother and sister visiting from Atlanta, GA.  I ran into a friend of mine I haven't seen in 7 years.  He told me that he had an opportunity for me.  He came to my house and gave me a presentation.  I wasn't really paying attention but I was somewhat interested.  He then gave me a ticket to come to an event in Cleveland, OH that following Tuesday.  Tuesday came and I wasn't sure I was going to go because it's a 2 hour drive and I got off work I had just had knee surgery...and I had a 5 speed car at the time.  I decided to go...and my life was changed.  I met my first "Rich Dad" mentor. It was amazing.  I couldn't believe that I could paid from the efforts of thousands of people...and I didn't have to know them. 

Year 1 Business 1 in network marketing was scary, challenging, exciting and life changing.  I learned so much about business, marketing, prospecting, failing...failing...failing...failing...failing...failing forward.  At the end of my first year, I had 97 people on my team. Whoa right!! I couldn't believe it...97 PEOPLE I had the opportunity to earn income from. Then I learned the SYSTEM!!! I had a system to follow! 6 months later I was making twice as much on my part time business.  Retired at 26!!!! At the end of my 2nd year, I had 1100 on my team.  Whoa! What happened you ask? I got better!!! I learned!! I grew!! I didn't quit!!! I didn't miss anything. 

Soon for some reason that run ended.  The company made some changes beyond our control and it was over just like that. I mean just...over...I couldn't believe it.  Just over!!!  I was heart broken.  All that hard work.  People we helped.  The dreams we sold...over!!! 

But I didn't quit.  I kept moving.  My father told me, 'You never lose, son.  You either win or learn.'

Year 3 Business 2.  My friends and I gave it another go in another company. And we failed again. That company was greedy with no leadership.

Years 4-8 I went to online. Now living in Atlanta, GA.  I thought there are millions of people I could reach if I could just get to them. By this time I had 2 children and very frustrated wife.  But God have me a dream...a vision to change my family tree and teach others how to change theirs.  I tried to turn it off, but it kept me up at night and woke me up early in the morning.  But there was something that started to control fear of repeating the past failures.  All the failing forward I was doing, I just failed to believe I could make it BIG!!!!! 

During years 4-8, I tried 5 different online network marketing companies with minimal success.  I worked hard too.  I cried alot as well because I knew I was better than that, but I just didn't BELIEVE truly I was better.  I lost over $10,000 attempting to build an online business. It was a mess. But that dream never died...I pressed on.  

Year number 9&10 My old team from my first business got back together and we went at it again. This time we gained some ground.  We were on top of the world, but products we were marketing were waaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of their time.  We were doing more selling than sharing.  It was a constant uphill battle with the product.  We were having fun but we were broke.  

Now I have 4 children.  The last 2 were twins!!! OHHHHH SHHHHHHHH...!!!! 

We left that company and joined another one. We thought this has got to be it.  And it was!!! We did very well the first 6 months! But many people on the team were not.  The company is great but the market was limited.  The company could only operate in a few states! Not to say that the company is not a good company.  It's just my vision is galactic and 15 states was way to small for what I was in store for. Plus that disbelief I had in myself still loomed..."Can I make it big?"  Also during this time, I was broke.  I was a broke network marketer.  I lost both my cars and almost lost my family. It was a horrible time.  And I was still selling the dream!!! It was very, very, very, very, challenging. There was no one I could turn to but God.  I asked for help.  I asked for a solution I could work.  So God gave me a job!!! UGH!!! A dang job!!! What?  

Year 11 I'm still a broke network marketer with a job (nothing wrong with that but being retired from work for awhile, it was challenging), a busted down 1995 BMW, the belief I'll never make it big and a God given dream that won't die.  What's a man to do...pray and keep moving.  I've learned sooooo much, I seen soooo much, I've experienced soooo much, I know what I want is possible.  I just need a breakthrough.

One day I took my last $20 and offered it to a ministry.  I wrote on the check "Family and business".  I wanted to make sure my family grew stronger and my business to flourish. I just trusted God. I said it's in your hands now.

(Enter life changing mentorship and leadership)

Two days after I sent in my offering, I got a call from a friend that I haven't heard from in over 8 years.  This friend of mine I met when he was 21.  Today this friend of mine is the #32 income earner in the world in network marketing out of 91 million people in the industry.  He called to offer me the truth.  It has saved me and my families life.  I told him when we spoke. I said, "I don't have any belief.  I don't believe I can make it big." He said, "We have a solution for that."

Business number 10 

April 15, 2013 is a day I will never forget.  #1 is was my 7th wedding anniversary and it was also the day my wife and I got to experience what this industry and truly and really get you.  I got to tour a $3 Million dollar home, drive around in a Porche Panamera, sit in a Lamborghini Mercielago...all bought with network marketing income.  I also got to meet the #1 income earner in the world in network marketing...very, very humbling!!!! I now knew I was in the right hands. 


I had the desire or I would have quit a long time ago.  I had the skills because I've been in the "fox hole". It was the faith and belief I lacked.  Oh good 'ole faith!!! Where's a mustard seed when you need one?

My new mentor told me that 'Everything that was taken from me in this industry, will be given back to 100 fold.'

Everything rises and falls on leadership.  I finally got to work with a leader that is where I want to be...AND...can show me and those that decide to work with me how to get there.  

It has truly been absolutely amazing!!!! I thank God everyday for not giving up on me and knowing that I wasn't going to give up on the dream He gave me. 

But most important...I found my belief in myself.  I believe now that I can make it big.  I let go of all those years of failure and almost making it. Don't get me wrong, I'm still learning but I'm now equipped to dispell the myth.  I'm not equipped to fight the enemy (inner me) from distroying the God given dream!!!!

This is the REAL story.  More chapters to come!!!

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