Saturday, August 4, 2012

How to mix online marketing with traditional network marketing techniques

"Maaaaan! Shoot!  How am I going to build my network marketing business?  I've chased every friend I knew and talked to every person within 3 inches of me!"

This is the conversation of many people in network marketing.  They are trying to figure out how to hit it big in their business.  92% of network marketers are using conventional methods (hotel meetings, follow ups, "showing the plan"). These methods are great! Many people have become successful in their business with these methods. But there are only 8% of people that are either marketing online or using both. People are missing out on are the millions and billions of people that are on the internet looking for opportunity and help to build their businesses every day.

So what do you do? 

Here's the science 

You can use non-duplicatable methods to personally recruit.  I mean methods such as online marketing.  Not every is going to be excited about marketing online. Most people are afraid of the computer.  

 Once you recruit then you could use "duplicatable" methods to help them build.  Most network marketing teams or companies have conventional systems to help them build their business (meeting, presentations, team calls).  You can then teach these methods to those you personally recruit that do not want to build online.  It's ok to do this. I mean, I personally like the conventional methods! Even those that are building online, these conventional methods should also be taught so if they recruit those that want to build online and offline, they have the capabilities to do both. 

So are you ready?  

Soooooo. Where do we go from here? First start here...The Ultimate Online System.  This will give you the tools you need to start personally recruiting 10-20 people per month online. From here you can build a team of people that use both methods.  But first give them the tools to be successful! This way their success will drive their businesses online and offline. 

To your success,

Marlon Hurd
Home Based Business Professional


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